Wednesday, August 4, 2010

bLuEbeRrY cHeeSe tArT - TT diAn

100pcs blueberry cheese tart made also for TT Dian, Waterfall Sagil, Johor. So Yummy these BB cheese tart. Maap la ye pd sesiapa yg x dpt merasa coz sambutan so hangat.. hehehe.. InsyaAllah will repeat on next time. Cheers!..

fAnCy cOOkiEs - TT DiAn

100pcs fancy cookies made for TT dian at Sagil Waferfall, Johor. Wow.. seronok sgt n teruja joint EOCM konvoi even tiada polis trafik sepanjang sesi berkonvoi. If i'm not mistaken around 40 Exora car joint this event. Banyak tuu... so i plan made this fancy cookies for potluck menu. Errmmmm.. mmg btl sangkaan ku baru letak jerk atas table x smp 2seconds  dh licin.. kesian gak ada yg x dpt.. tp apa blh buat.. so next time kena ingat to round table brought this fancy cookies. so everyone can get it w/o any frustrated. hehehehe... below picture before packaging. layannnn....

          Hibiscus + Umbrella Cookies
          Roses + Ice Creams Cookies
          Gown Cookies
  Chick's Pick Cookies
Bride & Groom Wedding Cookies
         Cupcakes Cookies
 Girl & Boy Face + Love Shape Cookies
        Loving Couple Cookies

Friday, July 30, 2010

CC - cHoCoLatE mOisT_MiX

25pcs ordered by Abg Jep at JB. He requested some mix design for his family. Thx Abg Jep to trust me n hope u like it with that deco. 

Theme : Mix Design
Quantity : 25pcs (M size)

Friday, July 9, 2010

mUffiN pAnDaN

Sumber : 

200gm tepung gandum 
1 1/2 tsp baking powder 
1/2 tsp soda bikabonat 
1/2 tsp garam halus 
120gm gula castor 
200ml santan kelapa - saya guna KARA santan 
100ml minyak jagung 
2 biji telur 
*1 tsp pandan paste - saya letak 2 titik  
*1/2 tsp pandan essence 
Bahan topping ikut selera - Almond cincang, kismis, ceri etc. 

Nota : 
*Sekiranya tiada pandan paste atau pandan essence, boleh blend 5-7 helai daun pandan bersama 200ml santan di atas dan tapis 

1. Panaskan oven pada suhu 190 darj cel. Sediakan loyang muffin dan paperliners. 
2. Ayak tepung, baking powder, soda bikabonat dan garam halus. Masukkan ke dalam 
sebuah mangkuk besar. Campurkan gula halus dan kacau rata menggunakan whisker. 
3. Campurkan ke semua bahan basah ke bahan kering. Kaup balikkan sekadar kesemua 
bahan bercampur. Adunan akan kelihatan seakan berketul2 sedikit (lumpy). 
4. Isikan adunan ke dalam paperliners dan taburkan almond cincang di atasnya. 
5. Bakar selama 20minit. 

cHeeSe cAke_Plain + cHeese cUppYcAke

Cheese cake plain ordered by Ruby.. this is my loyal customer... hik3.. mengidam my cheese cake.. cheese cake kedai x sedap katanya.. Order mlm tadi nk esok. so ngeh..ngeh.. aku wat mlm tadi gak.. anyway thx ye Ruby.. senang2 nnt dtg le ke rumah..

Saje wat extra coz ank2 sure order.. hehehe this time wat cuppycake jerk.. senang nk bg dorang mkn. x yah nk potong2.. layannnn..

bAnaNa cUpCakEs

I made all these banana cupcakes just 4 mkn2.. layan gambar je ek.. :)

kUiH pUtRi aYu

2 biji telur ayam (eggs)
160gm gula kastor (castor sugar) - Saya letak 150gm
1 tsp ovalette
200gm tepung gandum (all-purpose flour)
100ml susu segar (fresh milk)
1 tsp pes pandan (pandan flavour)
sedikit pewarna hijau (few drops of green colourings)
80gm kelapa parut putih (white coconut)
2 tsp tepung jagung (corn flour) - x letak pun

acuan kuih puteri ayu (few mould & steamer)

Gaulkan kelapa parut bersama tepung ubi / jagung & ketepikan. (mixed coconut with corn flour & set aside) tp aku letak garam jerk..

- pukul telur & gula hingga kembang & sebati dengan menggunakan mesin pemutar. (with elecrtric mixer, beat eggs & sugar till white & fluffy)
- masukkan ovalette. (Add in the ovalette)
- bubuh tepung berselang-seli dengan susu segar & putar hingga ringan. (Fold in flour alternating with milk until smooth)
- masukkan pes pandan & pewarna hijau. (Add pandan paste & drops of green colourings)
- bubuh kelapa dalam acuan yg telah di oles minyak. (scoop in coconut on the base of a grease mould)
- sudukan adunan kedalam acuan berisi kelapa tadi. (scoop of batter, pour into the mould with the coconut base)
- kukus selama 10-15 mins atau hingga masak. Terbalikkan kuih & sajikan. (Steam for about 10-15 mins or until cook. Turn over mould before serve)

Note: pastikan pukul hingga gebu supaya ianya akan kekal lembut setelah kukus. Pastikan jangan kukus terlalu lama, terus angkat selepas ianya mengembang. (be sure to beat the first item till fluffy in order to get a smooth texture after steaming. Do not oversteamed)

Friday, June 18, 2010

CC - oRaNgE bUttEr cAkE & mOisT cHoCoLatE cAkE

70pcs cupcakes with different theme ordered by Kak Jue for "Cukur Jambul" Event at JB. Nice to know you & your sister coz so peramah through the phone. hehehe.. Next time we meet again ya!.. btw thanks for all these order. I'm enjoying & have a fun to deco all the cupcakes below. Hope you like it with the deco made by me. 

CC : CMC & Orange Butter Cake
Theme : Garden Wif Rainbow
Quantity : 25pcs (M size)

CC : CMC & Orange Butter Cake
Theme : Bouquet of Flowers 

Quantity : 20pcs (M size)

CC : CMC & Orange Butter Cake
Theme : Baby Shower
Quantity : 25pcs (M size)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

cHeeSe cAke 4 aNniVerSaRy

8" Blueberry Cheese Cake ordered by Remy for a surprise anniversary party on last night at Tasik Idaman, Jenjarum.. together with CR TT. Actually this is a last minute order, do not have so many idea on that day so i just make a simple deco with a cherry on top. Hope you & wife love it. Btw "Happy 10th Anniversary to both of U" dh lama tu.. hope jodoh u alls berpanjangan hingga ke akhir hayat...Amin.. 

Cake : Cheese Cake
Topping : Blueberry + vanilla BC + cherry
Total weight : 2kgs
Theme : Blossom Picture

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

cAkE - sPidErmAn

6" spiderman cake for Haikal birthday ordered by Kak Sal's one of the Exora members. Haikal really love so many action cartoon characters. So his mom choose a spiderman for her son birthday cake and i add other spiderweb and a few spider for the deco. "Happy Birthday Haikal.. from Auntie Tny.."

Cake : CMC
Topping : Chocolate BC + Ganache
Total weight : 1.2kgs
Theme : Spiderman

CC - bOuqUeT fLowEr iN gArdEn

50pcs chocolate cupcakes for OKU student from SK Sri Tumpat(1), Kelantan has been visited in Putrajaya. So i'm on behalf EOCM members, gift these special CC to them. Hope all the OKU kids love the cute deco made by myself. yayayaya...

CC : CMC with Vanilla & Chocolate Topping
Theme : Flower Bouquet In Garden
Quantity : 50pcs (M size)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

fArEweLL cAkE

6" cake order by Hanani for her farewell on last friday. She requested the cmc with ganache and colorful of ball & round sprinkles on the top cake deco. Thanks & good luck to u..

Cake : CMC
Topping : Chocolate BC + Ganache
Total weight : 1.2kgs
Theme : Farewell

Friday, May 14, 2010

tEacHeR's dAy cUppiEs

Happy Teacher's Day!..100pcs cute cuppies 4 along & angah's teachers. Wah! skrg dorang ni dh pandai request ek.. x pe la.. tuk cikgu & cikgi yg along & angah sayang.. mummy buatkan .. hope cikgu & cikgi suka kan deco cuppies nie..

CC : CMC with Vanilla & Chocolate Topping
Theme : Floral
Quantity : 100pcs (M size)

bEsT eVeR bAnAnA cUpCakEs


Ingredients :-

125g (4oz) butter
175g (6oz) sugar (I just put 150g)
2 eggs
2 large mashed ripe bananas (I change to 4pcs small bananas)
1 tsp Baking soda
2 Tbsp boiling milk
1 tsp baking power
225g (8oz) flour
Add : Chocolate rice 

Method :-
  • Cream butter & sugar till light and fluffy.
  • Add eggs one at a time.
  • Mix in mashed bananas.
  • Add baking soda that has been dissolved in hot milk.
  • Lastly mix in sifted flour, baking powder & Chocolate Rice. Don't overbeat the batter.
  • This mixture will produce around 29 medium size cupcakes and they are baked at 170 C (325 F) for approx 18-25 mins. You want them to be light golden brown and a toothpick comes out clean.

Happy Caking!

Monday, May 10, 2010

cHeeSe cAke 4 mOtHeR's dAy SpEciaL

Meskipun dirimu manusia biasa..
Bagiku engkaulah malaikatku..
Yang tak pernah lelah membimbingku..

Kau angkat aku dari alam jiwa..
Bersama kasih sayang yang kau ikat..
Bersama cinta yang kau jerat..
Bersama semua suka yang tiada dua..

Aku menangis ketika datang ke dunia fana..
Tangisku bahagia…tangisku haru..
Bahagia kerana mempunyai ibu sepertimu…
Terharu kerana kau sangat istimewa dimata dunia…

Ketika aku haus..ketika aku lapar…
Kau alirkan darahmu kemulutku…
Bersama hangat yang kau tawarkan..
Bersama ihklas yang kau sunguhkan..
Terasa sangat damai..terasa sangat indah..

Tapi itu dulu…hanya sementara…hanya sesaat..
Kini kau telah tiada…
Yang mampu kuhadiahkan hanyalah doa-doa..

Angin…tiupkan sejukmu pada tubuhnya..
Agar dia terlelap dalam mimpi indah…
Terang..pancarkan sinarmu pada dirinya…
Agar dia selalu bercahaya… Kerana dia telah tiada….

Ibu…Ibu... Ibu..
Tidak akan pernah hilang dimataku….
Tidak akan pernah luput disanubariku….
Semoga Ibu bahagia di alam sana…

Ya Allah…Lidungilah Ibuku..Letakkanlah ia bersama para Rasul-Mu dan Para Sahabatnya…


Seorang Wanita yang bergelar ibu mempunyai hati yang cekal w/pun kerja sepenuh masa tanpa henti, tiada gaji, tiada cuti, sesekali tidak dihargai, namun perkataan "give up" tiada dlm kamus hidup. A mother is a woman who created by God to bring love, joy, happiness & caring into his world. Pekerjaan seorang ibu tidak pernah selesai dan tiada penghujungnya. SELAMAT HARI IBU 2 ME..

Pg2 Ahad si kakak yg berumur 3 thn dh nyanyikan lagu utk ibunya.. nie la lagu yg dia nyanyikan tuk aku.. terharu tau.. sob..sob..

Engkaulah Ratu Hatiku..
Bila.. ku berduka...
Engkau hiburkan selalu..

Engkaulah Ratu Hatiku..

Cair ati aku yg sememangnya keras cam batu.. uhuk..uhuk.uhuk..

Sblh ptg Ahad pula, aku meraikan hari ibu bersama ibu2 exorians di MITC Melaka.. seronok sgt coz dpt berkenalan dgn mereka sume. even though hari tersebut adalah hari istimewa utk para ibu2, ank2 tetap menjadi tanggungjawab masing2. So aku bawa homemade blueberry cheese cake tuk meraikan hari ibu..

Hah! tu dia ibu2 yang bertungkus lumus memotong kek tuk di beri pd siapa? siapa lg.. ank2 terchenta la.. Ooopss.. aku x der dlm gambar nie.. tp kepala ank aku ada ler..kire blh la tu.. hahahaha..

Cake : Cheese Cake
Topping : BC + Blueberry + Strawberry
Total weight : 2kgs
Theme : Mother's Day 

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

cAkEs_cLoCks Vs bAskEt wEaVe

This cake was ordered by Kak Lyn for her husband surprise party on last Saturday at Proton COSE  Shah Alam. She just gave me 3 days to complete 11" square cake, so i just make a simple clock deco as a theme. Thanks a lot Kak Lyn.. errmmm.. ank Tini x sempat nk rasa coz sekelip mata dh licin.. huhuhu.. maybe next time kena wat besar lg Kak Lyn coz ramai x dpt.. hehehe

Cake : Orange Butter Cake
Topping : Steam BC with Orange Flavour + Chocolate Ganache
Total weight : 3kgs
Theme : Cake Clock vs Basket Weave

hah!.. ni la gambar husband Kak Lyn.. semasa acara memotong kek. Sib baik Abg Mie x lari ye Kak Lyn.. Kalu x hancuss program kite.. hehehe..

Monday, April 19, 2010

hAppY BirThDaY 3 yRs tO aNniSa

Happy Birthday 2u..Happy Birthday 2u..Happy Birthday 2 An-Nisa..Happy Birthday 2u..
mmuuahh..mmuuahh..mmuuahh.. Semoga di panjangkan umur & di murahkan rezeki serta jadi ank yg solehah ye.. this gurlz dress cake requested by An-Nisa. Last weekend celebrate her birthday party at Tunjuk Beach Resort, Mersing. Actually we're family go to Mersing coz ada majlis merisik & bertunang. Majlis tu dibuat sehari selepas tarikh lahir An-Nisa.. so we all planned to celebrate her birthday on that night with BBQ. Errmmm gumbira sesgt dia potong cake 2.. Btw Happy Engaged to Shariman & Nur Atiqah.. moga dipanjangkan jodoh sehingga ke jinjang pelamin..

Cake : Orange Butter Cake
Topping : BC with Lemon Flavour + Jelly
Total weight : 3kgs
Theme : Gurlz Dress

rEd bEaN pAu

Ingredients :
400g Hongkong flour (pau flour)
200g water (I added more)
70g sugar
a pinch Salt
10g double action baking powder
7g instant dried
30 g shortening

Method :
1. Place water in the bread maker pan. Top it with Hongkong flour, sugar, salt, baking powder and instant yeast.
2. Set the bread maker to Dough and let it knead.
3. When the dough is combined, add in shortening and let the bread maker finish it's job of kneading and 

    proving which will take about 1 1/2 hour.
4. Remove from pan and punch the air out. Cut the dough weighing 30 g each. Make it into round balls 

    and leave to rest for 10 minutes.
5. Flatten the dough and wrap the red bean filling.
6. Place each pau on a piece of paper or small piece of banana leaf.
7. Arrange in the steamer and let it proof again.
8. Steam for 15 minutes.

aPaM pUtri aYu vs cAkE

Hahahaha.. cam ner leh jadi ngrupa Apam putri ayu cenggini. Hah!.. mula2 aku on gas bg pengukus tu panas, pas tu bancuh adunan apam putri ayu & masukkan kelapa ke dalam acuan putri ayu. Tup2 bila nk kukuskan kelapa tadi, gas plak habisss.. adoii .. semua brg & adunan telah siap cuma tinggal kukus shj. So aku malas nk tunggu gas.. apa lg.. masukkan adunan dalam paper cup & selebihnya dlm aluminum cake tin... then, bakar je trus dlm oven & tabur chocolate rice without kelapa.. abis citer.. Ank sulong yg request nk putri ayu sedeyy coz apam putri ayu tlh di transform ke cake.. huhuhu.. apa blh buat.. x der rezeki.. tp taste lari ckit coz bakar. InsyaAllah kalau rajin next week la buat .. cian along..

Actually lupa plak ambik resepi nie kt ner but the taste marvelous.. not 2 sweet..

2 biji telur ayam (eggs)
160gm gula kastor (castor sugar)
1 tsp ovalette
200gm tepung gandum (all-purpose flour)
100ml susu segar (fresh milk)
1 tsp pes pandan (pandan flavour)
sedikit pewarna hijau (few drops of green colourings)
80gm kelapa parut, dibuang kulit arinya (white coconut)
2 tsp tepung jagung (corn flour)

acuan kuih puteri ayu (few mould & steamer)

Gaulkan kelapa parut bersama tepung ubi / jagung & ketepikan. (mixed coconut with corn flour & set aside) tp aku letak garam jerk..

- pukul telur & gula hingga kembang & sebati dengan menggunakan mesin pemutar. (with elecrtric mixer, beat eggs & sugar till white & fluffy)
- masukkan ovalette. (Add in the ovalette)
- bubuh tepung berselang-seli dengan susu segar & putar hingga ringan. (Fold in flour alternating with milk until smooth)
- masukkan pes pandan & pewarna hijau. (Add pandan paste & drops of green colourings)
- bubuh kelapa dalam acuan yg telah di oles minyak. (scoop in coconut on the base of a grease mould)
- sudukan adunan kedalam acuan berisi kelapa tadi. (scoop of batter, pour into the mould with the coconut base)
- kukus selama 10-15 mins atau hingga masak. Terbalikkan kuih & sajikan. (Steam for about 10-15 mins or until cook. Turn over mould before serve)
Note: pastikan pukul hingga gebu supaya ianya akan kekal lembut setelah kukus. Pastikan jangan kukus terlalu lama, terus angkat selepas ianya mengembang. (be sure to beat the first item till fluffy in order to get a smooth texture after steaming. Do not oversteamed)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

bRoWNieS cHeeSe_hAnAni

Thanks Hanani.... 1 tray (12"x12") brownies cheese came with a individual packaging.
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